Water Cycle BINGO
We created Water Cycle BINGO (download zip file here) to use in our small group, WordLab.
The students range from 1st - 3rd grade so we are working with a wide range of reading levels spanning from emergent to advanced. This game is perfect for differentiated instruction and hits targets for children no matter the prerequisite reading skills they bring to the table.
This game uses vocabulary words relevant to the water cycle spanning in difficulty from simple CVC words like <fog> to complex, multimorphemic words like <condensation>. Beginning readers may recognize some of the simple words, while practicing skills like identifying the initial grapheme to locate longer, more difficult words.
The game can be extended to challenge more competent readers in several ways, listed below.
You can play this game in several different ways:
Create an online spinner (if using for distance learning) or cut the pieces from one board as the card deck which you pull words from. Students take turns as the “Announcer” spelling out, then reading the word that was selected.
Use our list of clues to get students thinking about water cycle processes to find out which vocabulary word will be marked. This is a great option to review elements of the water cycle.
Use Water Cycle BINGO to build an interactive reading experience alongside a book like Water is Water by Miranda Paul, A Drop Around the World by Barbara Shaw McKinney, or Pitter and Patter by Martha Sullivan. Have students mark their own boards with each element they see or hear as you read the story. See how many they can find in each book!
Click here to download a zip file with six different water cycle BINGO cards along with the clues