Supporting all learners …

Offerings for Families & Students

1:1 Tutoring & Ed Therapy

Intensive literacy intervention tailored to meet the needs of individual students. Taught by graduate student teaching fellows and supervised by Dr. Filippini.

Remote or in-person.

Grades K - 5th

Summer Camp & CIT Program

Campers grow their love of reading and writing through garden science, art, games, and exploration around gardens throughout Oakland. Hesitant readers and writers thrive in this nurturing environment by using their literacy skills for meaningful activities like reading about the life cycle of worms in order to care for our worm bin.

Rising 1st-3rd Grades


A free offering, bringing quality children’s books, movement, and connection to all families.

All ages

Options for Families & Organizations

WordLab — Tutoring @ School

Led by reading experts, small groups of word scientists use reading, writing, and the power of scientific inquiry to explore nature through hands-on activities. Using Structured Word Inquiry, students deconstruct language to investigate the meaning and structure of the many words that color our lives.

You provide the students and caring adults, we provide the reading specialists and hours of exciting, meaningful learning!

WordLab: grades 1-3; WonderLab: Kinder

Family Literacy Workshops

Together, we explore multilingual storytelling, audiobooks, neighborhood exploring, and other fun and connecting ways that families can foster a love of reading in their young children.

Partner with our expert facilitators to create a workshop that meets the unique needs of your learning community.

Contact us to learn more about bringing a personalized workshop to your organization.

Check out our resources for fun activities you can do with your whole family!